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Modern Tüp Bebek uygulamaları her geçen gün başarıyı arttıryor. |
Current Approaches in
IVF and Infertility Treatments
VagiLift Therapy
Tightenning and
Urinary Incontinence Treatment
With New RF Application...more information
Without Laser and Non-Surgical...
Heading 5
Gynecology - Birth - IVF
Pregnancy follow-up
9 month during certain weeks of pregnancy
It is a process that consists of performing both ultrasonographic and biochemical and genetic tests in a certain order.Aydin IVF
Tube baby
Infertility - Infertility
Infertility, which has become the nightmare of newly married couples, now provides the opportunity to bring happiness to thousands of families with today's technological developments and IVF applications. A higher success is aimed with preparatory practices such as complementary medicine and hypnosis before IVF.
Kiss. Dr. Adnan Ozkutucu
Obstetrics and IVF Specialist
VAGINISMUS It's an easy-to-treat disease. Gdon't stay hungry. Get information ..
3D / 4D Ultrasound
As 3D and 4D ultrasound technologies and the ever-developing medical technology enter our lives and daily practice, our diagnostic possibilities increase and become easier.
With this method, a painless and comfortable birth, or a surgical intervention or operation to be performed is extremely comfortable, but it is also possible to provide a quick recovery. We also use it to increase the success of IVF Embryo transfer...
Op. Dr. Adnan Ozkutucu
For your health;
IVF, IUI, infertility vaginismus, Non-surgical vaginal tightenning
Menstrual pain is a very common symptom with an average of 20% in the society. While some of them have a serious pathological cause, some of them do not have a specific pathological finding. However, many people who suffer from dysmenorrhea, unfortunately, consider using painkillers as if it is normal. However, the painkillers used every day mean pills taken hundreds of times in total at the end of days, months and years, and they have the potential to cause serious side effects due to accumulation in human health.However, the methods that are free from the side effects offered by alternative medicine can be very effective..
In terms of women's health, the importance of regular gynecological check-ups is becoming more and more understandable every day, as routine screenings within the framework of preventive medicine will provide the opportunity to diagnose many possible diseases in the early period.
IVF, IUI, infertility, vaginismus, Non-surgical vaginal tightening, urinary incontinence
Op. Dr. Adnan ÖZKUTUCU
Women's Hospital & Birth
IVF Specialist
IVF, infertility, infertility,
Non-surgical vaginal constriction and tightening Treatment of urinary incontinence without surgery....
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